ROOM 4 – 1987/1995
The second half of the 1980’s marks a crucial stage in Vigliaturo’s artistic journey; a watershed between the concept of painting tied to academic rules and a more contemporary one. In 1986 Vigliaturo is in Venice. At Palazzo Grassi he visited the exhibition Futurismo & Futurismi and he was deeply influenced by the dynamic conception of this art movement. He was especially intrigued by Umberto Boccioni. The exhibition on Futurism enabled him to rediscover Luigi Roccati, an artist from Chieri, who died prematurely, in which he recognised an international feel, the need for a new form of critical revision and an artistic potential left unexpressed.
His imagery is enriched with new themes, developing side by side with unedited figures and a more careful study of the chromatic component. Also his techniques changes: after his black period he begins a new research with oils on wood, on thin card and on canvas and gives his paintings an extraordinary material body.
This process lead him to his first important exhibitions in Turin, where he exhibited in 1988 and in 1992 in two shows organised by Massimo Centini at the Galleria Accademia and in 1990 at the Palazzo della Regione Piemonte, in an exhibition supported by Regione Piemonte.
“Last dinner, three places where I would like to live”, painted in 1987, is an homage to Leonardo and declares Vigliaturo's strong links with Acri, Chieri, and Venice.
Signs of his evolved research can be seen in the two wooden and metal sculptures displayed in this room, “The planetary bird” (1997) and “Future city” (1989), clear echoes of the futuristic movement. The works can be placed in the middle of an expressive renewal which, intersecting with sculpture, bring a radical change from 1995 onwards.Summer hours in effect since June 10:
Tuesday to Saturday
9:00 to 13:00 - 16:00 to 20:00
10:00 to 13:00 - 16:15 to 20:00
Closed on Mondays
Palazzo Sanseverino Falcone
Piazza Falcone, n° 1
87041 ACRI (Cosenza)
tel. (+39) 0984.953309
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